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Cat Landry

Bank your vote early and help Californians Sweep Six!

As we say in our popular Firebreak film, YOU hold the power!

You can bank your vote early and help Sweep Six seats and take back the House majority.

It feels great to show your fellow Californians the fast, easy way to vote using and your nearest ballot dropbox or mailbox. Our own grassroots hero Jess Craven explains how Voting on Day One is the single most important (and easy) thing you can do to help us win:

  1. Our candidates can concentrate on turning out the truly hard-to-get voters once our completed ballot pulls our name off Get Out the Vote lists.

  2. If we live in a swing district, voting early spares us from receiving door knocks, calls, and texts.

  3. Our early voting provides social influence, helping make the idea of voting contagious.

  4. We give ourselves time to make sure our ballot is counted, we avoid long lines and any potential Republican interference.

Let’s run up the score, banking our votes as early as we can. Early participation is something to celebrate.

So let’s celebrate it! Please save the date to enjoy cameos from our Sweep Six candidates plus celebrities along with Blue Voter Guide tips and tricks at the Alliance Vote on Day One Party on Wednesday, October 9 at 7pm. Register here–more info to come!

The road to the House majority runs through California!  

© Copyright 2024 Indivisible Sonoma County. All rights reserved.

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