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Writer's pictureCA Grassroots Alliance

It’s Heating Up in the Central Valley – We’re Staying Cool

Of all of the “Sweep Six” Congressional districts, CA-22 is the furthest from the urban NorCal and SoCal communities that are home to so many of us. Nearly a 4-hour drive from either Los Angeles or the Bay Area, this district is also home to some of the hottest temps in the state, with average daily highs above 90 degrees from June to September. So it’s good to know that our partner, the Bay Area Coalition (BAC), has learned a thing or two about how to keep things running cool!

No matter which of its 40 groups is managing the canvass, from registration to return trip, the BAC has all the bases covered to make the experience both highly productive–with over 10,000 doors each in both CA-13 and CA-22 so far–as well as safe, cost-effective and fun.

Recognizing that canvassing in CA-22 often involves both a long drive and an overnight stay, BAC has created a fund to provide $100-a-day stipends for volunteers to offset gas, food and housing costs. Funded in part by incumbent CA Congressional members, the goal is to remove any economic barriers for volunteers who can commit their time to help flip the district.

Not all of us are able to canvass, but we can support those who spend time and money to get to the Central Valley by donating to the Canvasser Stipend Fund being funneled through the Contra Costa County Dems.  

BAC has also found a way to keep volunteers safe with a “cooling car” program–featuring cars stocked with ice-cold fresh fruit, frozen and regular water bottles, and various sundries such as sunscreen and paper towels; thus volunteers can take a break while staying in the field. Taking a cue from California’s farm workers, the cars are also equipped with cooling towels that are wet, chilled and very effective.  

And what trip to the Central Valley would be considered complete without the opportunity to gather with your fellow canvassers for a drink and a meal at the end of the day to share stories and make connections? That sense of community can certainly help keep a canvassing weekend positive and meaningful!

Trips to CD-22 are being planned now by multiple BAC groups for nearly every weekend all summer; you can find them all on the California Grassroots Alliance CA-22 DISTRICT PAGE calendar. (Click the VOLUNTEER HERE button below to get an overview of all six districts.)



Meet up with other group leaders working in the same Sweep Six districts to share ideas, celebrate successes, meet up and learn from one another.

REGISTER YOUR GROUP to become part of the Alliance. If your group isn’t already a member, SIGN UP NOW.  

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